Safeguarding is a term used to describe the duties and responsibilities that those providing education and training must carry out to protect individuals from harm and to ensure they feel safe. Safeguarding includes online safety, sometimes referred to as e-safety.
WBTC is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all WBTC learners. Safeguarding is the process of minimising the risk that young people are subject to including bullying or abuse in the workplace.
If you think you have a safeguarding concern you should report it as soon as possible to anyone on the safeguarding team.
- Craig Mincher – Director Leading on Safeguarding
- Natalie Elliott – Designated Safeguarding Lead –
- Martyn Staines – Deputy Lead Safeguarding Officer –
- Tony Garraway – Deputy Safeguarding Officer
- Lizzie Booth – Deputy Safeguarding Officer
- Neil Muir – Link Trustee for Safeguarding
Prevent is one part of the UK’s Counter Terrorism Strategy. It includes four sections:
- Pursue: to stop terrorist attacks
- Prevent: to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism
- Protect: to strengthen protection against terrorist attacks
- Prepare: to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack
The purpose of prevent is to safeguard vulnerable people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism, by engaging with people who are vulnerable to radicalisation and protecting those who are being targeted by terrorist recruiters
To view our policies on Safeguarding and Prevent please click the link below.